full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Liz Fosslien: How to embrace emotions at work

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Here are four ways to get started. First, flag your feelings without becoming emotionally leaky. Bad moods are contagious, and even if you're not vocalizing what you're flieeng, chances are your body language or your enisxroseps are a dead giveaway. So if you are crossing your arms or hammering on your keyboard, your coworkers are going to know you're upset. And if you don't say anything, they might start to think it's about them and get worried. So if you are ratcnieg to a non-work-related event, so tiraffc for example, just flag it. You don't need to go into detail. You can say something as simple as "I'm having a bad mnrniog. It has nothing to do with you." Now if it's a work-related event that's causing you to feel strong emotions, that brings us to point nbemur two.

Open Cloze

Here are four ways to get started. First, flag your feelings without becoming emotionally leaky. Bad moods are contagious, and even if you're not vocalizing what you're _______, chances are your body language or your ___________ are a dead giveaway. So if you are crossing your arms or hammering on your keyboard, your coworkers are going to know you're upset. And if you don't say anything, they might start to think it's about them and get worried. So if you are ________ to a non-work-related event, so _______ for example, just flag it. You don't need to go into detail. You can say something as simple as "I'm having a bad _______. It has nothing to do with you." Now if it's a work-related event that's causing you to feel strong emotions, that brings us to point ______ two.


  1. morning
  2. feeling
  3. reacting
  4. traffic
  5. expressions
  6. number

Original Text

Here are four ways to get started. First, flag your feelings without becoming emotionally leaky. Bad moods are contagious, and even if you're not vocalizing what you're feeling, chances are your body language or your expressions are a dead giveaway. So if you are crossing your arms or hammering on your keyboard, your coworkers are going to know you're upset. And if you don't say anything, they might start to think it's about them and get worried. So if you are reacting to a non-work-related event, so traffic for example, just flag it. You don't need to go into detail. You can say something as simple as "I'm having a bad morning. It has nothing to do with you." Now if it's a work-related event that's causing you to feel strong emotions, that brings us to point number two.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
selective vulnerability 3
emotional expression 2

Important Words

  1. arms
  2. bad
  3. body
  4. brings
  5. causing
  6. chances
  7. contagious
  8. coworkers
  9. crossing
  10. dead
  11. detail
  12. emotionally
  13. emotions
  14. event
  15. expressions
  16. feel
  17. feeling
  18. feelings
  19. flag
  20. giveaway
  21. hammering
  22. keyboard
  23. language
  24. leaky
  25. moods
  26. morning
  27. number
  28. point
  29. reacting
  30. simple
  31. start
  32. started
  33. strong
  34. traffic
  35. upset
  36. vocalizing
  37. ways
  38. worried